Phil Collins
Artist, composer, producer
"It would have been impossible for me to have made this record without my engineer Yvan Bing. To him I say... thanks for everything you did to make me sound like I could still play drums! As a fellow drummer, he understands "groove". With him I felt safe despite the physical problems I was experiencing playing drums. For that alone, my deepest gratitude. Also thanks to him for understanding that we weren't making a "new" record, but making an "old" record."
Angela Gheorghiu
"Yvan Bing is a producer and sound engineer who has been working together with me for several occasions, for opera and crossover projects.
Yvan Has always impressed me by his eclectic (in the good sense of the word) and professional way of being.
We have been collaborating since 2007 and all our recordings proved to be very successful. I trust him completely because he has the ability to comprehend all kind of music genres and styles, to find always the perfect sound, he has indeed a genuine musicality.
Working in the studio with Yvan Bing is a real pleasure and the atmosphere is very inspiring.
Yvan Bing is a good colleague and a very close friend being one of those human beings who are very sensitive and warm-hearted."
June Milo
"Je n'ai jamais enregistré dans des meilleures conditions qu'avec Yvan Bing. Tout est fluide et simple.
En tant que chanteuse, je peux aussi ajouter que faire les prises voix étaient un réel bonheur. Yvan est à l'écoute, toujours bienveillant et d'une efficacité folle.
Ses conseils sont précieux et toujours au service de la musique."
John Aram
Composer, arranger, artist
"I have had the pleasure of working with Yvan Bing on a wide ranging and diverse number of projects ranging from small group contemporary jazz, large scale orchestral works and high profile pop sessions. Yvan is the ultimate professional who can deal expertly and calmly with very situation you can throw at him.
His mixing abilities are incredible, bringing a highly musical as well as technical expertise to each project. Yvan is my preferred engineer for every project. I cannot recommend him enough."
George Petit
Producer, engineer, musician
“… I had the pleasure of meeting Yvan at Right Track Studio in New York City many years ago when my regular session assistant failed to turn up. What a great opportunity this afforded me!
Yvan and I have engineered, mixed and produced numerous projects together since then. I’ve seen him progress from an assistant to a brilliant and super talented engineer, capable of recording, mixing and producing world class recordings. Yvan is the consummate professional in every situation; the music and the project come first where achieving the goals of the Artist is the target. I would work with Yvan Bing any chance I get without question and with 110% trust and confidence in his abilities and positive, fun attitude…”
Fanny Leeb
"Yvan Bing fait entièrement partie de l’évolution de ma carrière musicale. Il est un des premiers à avoir cru en ma musique.
C’est une chance en tant qu’artiste d’avoir pu bénéficier de son talent et d’un lieu comme le Kitchen Studio, propice à l’inspiration et l’éveil artistique.
Le kitchen Studio est clairement un endroit incontournable en Suisse.
Au plaisir de retravailler avec toi Mr Bing"
Pale Male
"The moment I called Yvan to record with him, I hadn’t written a single song of the album. He trusted me.
I decided to record all the instruments myself. He trusted me.
It’s no difference to Yvan if you’re a beginner or an experienced performer: he’ll make you sound like a damn pro. He respects the artist’s emotions, process, and is honest with him/her. Plus: you’ll be proud to count him as a friend."
Robin Girod
Artist & producer
"Yvan Bing a changé notre rapport à l'enregistrement. En nous produisant, il a fait évoluer notre musique et nous a aidé à assumer notre son. Mais avant tout, il nous a compris en tant qu'humain et aujourd'hui nous sommes devenus amis. l'enregistrement, la production, la composition sont autant d'aspects de la musique qu'Yvan sublime à merveille. Les disques que nous avons enregistrés ensemble ont tous eu un retentissement important."
Greg Dubuis
Mastering, Mixing and recording Engineer
« Je pense qu'avant toute chose, Yvan est un grand être humain bien avant d'être un talentueux ingénieur.
Dans ce métier, il faut pouvoir saisir toutes les visions différentes que les artistes nous proposent afin de se mettre à leur service et de se glisser temporairement dans leur peau.
Mettre son ego de côté pour comprendre le mieux possible chaque vision artistique et ainsi se remettre en question tous les jours afin de progresser en tant que technicien mais surtout en tant qu'être humain.
Tout le monde peut devenir un bon technicien malheureusement, tout le monde ne peut pas devenir un grand producteur.
Toutes ces raisons font que j'espère pouvoir encore longtemps collaborer avec Yvan Bing. »
Julien Painot
Pianiste et compositeur
"Yvan Bing, avec son expertise et ses qualités artistiques et humaines, ne se contente pas d'emmener votre musique au niveau suivant, c'est vous même qui progressez à son contact. Travailler avec lui est toujours une grande joie car il me donne l'occasion d'évoluer, de comprendre mieux l'univers des producteurs et ingénieurs du son et d'acquérir ainsi une expérience professionnelle inestimable. C'est une réelle chance et un atout pour moi de l'avoir sur mes projets artistiques."
Lynn Maring
"Il est épatant de constater que toutes les qualités qui me sont chères chez un producteur et un ingénieur se trouvent chez Yvan Bing. Il est patient, passionné et bosseur, en plus d’avoir une capacité d’écoute hors normes. Il est toujours de bon conseil et a une incroyable vision des choses, c’est quelqu’un envers qui j’ai une totale confiance quel que soit le projet qui m’anime. Cela m’aide beaucoup lors du processus de création."
« Yvan was able to make so that all the songs in both albums « Rupture » and « Renaissaance » sound cohesive and fit perfectly to the vibe we were looking for. He made smart choices to make it breath and modern sounding. When it is necessary Yvan goes beyond his mixing job to propose arrangement ideas and added post production stuffs. That is what I like in his work, he brings the production to the next level without undermining the original idea of the track. The result is always fat and huge sounding, powerful and yet still sweet for the ears… » Y. Franel
Maxence Sibille
"... C'est toujours un "immense" plaisir de travailler avec Yvan. J'ai eu la chance de collaborer avec lui à plusieurs reprise pour les albums de Jonas, Fanny Leeb, That-Pork, Matthieu Llodra trio et à chaque fois on se sent en confiance totale, dans une ambiance toujours détendue. Il est à l'écoute de nos envies et essaye de les sublimer de la meilleure manière qui soit, tout en se permettant des remarques pertinente si il a l'impression qu'on fait fausse route.
Bref, c'est juste la grande classe de travailler avec lui et vous pouvez y aller les yeux fermés ..."
Gregg Robins
"I am deeply grateful to Yvan Bing for the excellent work he has done in the engineering, mixing and production of my albums. Yvan brings a rare combination of talent, hard work and professionalism combined with humility, integrity and genuine kindness and caring for his clients. He displays tremendous attention to detail, and is able to guide and listen at the same time. He is also sensitive to client needs in terms of quality and costs. I value very much the friendship I have formed with Yvan over the years, and all the philosophical and musical discussions we have had. It has been a great pleasure to work both with Yvan and in Kitchen Studio.”
Yvan Bing is a producer, recording and mixing engineer with over two decades of professional experience, multi-platinum and gold records.
Drawing from a long tradition of music production, Yvan Bing strives to keep the art of producing and crafting records alive.
In a world where technical abilities are within the reach of so many artists and producers, having a clear artistic vision plays a bigger role in making the difference.
Whether mixing, recording or producing, Yvan always works with this goal in mind hand in hand with the artist.
Yvan Bing discovered music production by working in recording studios as a musician, playing drums in several bands.
After a relatively short training at the "SAE" (School Of Audio Engineering), he left to Boston, MA to pursue his studies at the Berklee School Of Music. Completing four years of study, he obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Sound Engineering and Music Production and was awarded the Christopher Yeoman Achievement Scholarship.
Shortly there after, Yvan was hired as an assistant engineer at Right Track Recording Studios (later Legacy Recording Studios) in New York City, where he would pursue his training alongside some of the greatest engineers and producers in the business such as Phil Ramone, Arif Mardin, Richard King, Elliot Scheiner, Josh Wilbur or Frank Filipetti.
He worked three years in New York as an engineer before returning to Switzerland where he started as Chief Engineer for Dinemec Studios in Gland working with artists such as Phil Collins, Vladimir Cosma, Angela Gheorghiu, The Wu-tang Clan, Naturally 7, Ted Nudgent and recording film scores for CAB and SAGA productions with the Geneva Chambre Orchestra.
In 2008 Yvan Made the decision to return to freelancing and later co-opened his own studio (Kitchen Studio) in Geneva with fellow engineer and dear friend Laurent Vonlanthen. Since then he has been working with local and international artists such as Phil Collins, M.I.A, Rita Ora, Robbie Williams, Coldplay, Gilberto Gil, Panaviscope, Impurw Wilhelmina, Michael Jones, Phil Palmer, Susan Wong, Moriarty, Stevans, Duck Duck Grey Duck, to name a few, working in Switzerland, UK, Belgium, Italy, France and in the balkans for orchestral work.
2013 Yvan and fellow engineer Laurent Vonlanthen opened a second studio, focusing also on mixing and post-production work for Movie and TV projects.
Aside from his career as a producer and engineer, Yvan is also a lecturer an clinician at the SAE school of Geneva as a guest teacher.